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How to Participate in Early Pool

The exclusive Early Pool is meant for the larger $PAID token holders.

Explanation of Hybrid Capabilities of Early Pool:

The new ignition system we currently have transcends the limitations of the past, offering a highly flexible and customisable model.

Ignition 2.0 enables us to tailor each launch on a case-by-case basis, allowing for the modification of a wide range of parameters including any special requests made by the projects.

Regarding the Early Pool, we employ a hybrid model capable of operating in both uncapped and capped capacities.

For instance, if a project requires us to configure the Early Pool in an uncapped manner for any reason, we can accommodate this. In the uncapped configuration, over 75,000 staked individuals can have unrestricted access.

Conversely, the hybrid model also includes a capped, high-tech option. This approach is based on guaranteed allocations determined by your holdings; for example, staking 75,000 yields 1 Allocation , 150,000 staked yields 2 Allocations, and so on. The cap size for each Iproject launch is calculated based on the number of individuals with stakes exceeding 75,000, ensuring efficient allocation distribution among them. This process is fully automated.

Thus, due to the model's versatility, a launch can be executed either in a capped or uncapped manner. Regardless of the approach, early access to launches remains constant. If you miss the opportunity to participate initially, you will be given prioritised access to the open pool. Additionally, there is also the opportunity to participate in the standard open pool.

We have invested considerable time and energy in ensuring that the model remains adaptable and responsive to both current and future needs.


  • Capped Raises: Every 75,000 staked equates to 1 Guaranteed Allocation.

  • Uncapped Raises: First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) Early Pool access for those with 75,000 or more staked.

The size of your allocations are not be capped by default, but in certain circumstances where caps are applied, they will be determined by an automated, highly configurable process as follows:

The total project raise will be split between Open Pool and Early pool. The exact split between Open Pool and Early Pool will be configurable depending on the projects raise requirements amongst other factors.

24 hours before Early pool opens, a snapshot will be taken to determine the number of SPAID holders with a balance of at least 75000 SPAID in their wallet.

Ignition v2 is highly customisable and we may set a wide range of requirements to cater to the specific needs and requests of the projects we launch. This may include conducting raises with or without allocation limits amongst other criteria, this allows for greater flexibility for all stakeholders.

if allocation limits are applied, they will be applied as follows:

The allocation limit = Early pool raise split / number of SPAID holders with a balance of at least 75000 SPAID.

Early pool will open 24 hours before Open Pool, giving ample time for you to fund your participation. If you miss this window for any reason, you will have the opportunity to join the Open pool before the wider public to secure any desired participation amounts you have not already secured. During this phase, you will be competing FCFS against other Early Pool members in the Open Pool.

After this window has closed, you may still join Open Pool to compete for FCFS allocations with the wider public, giving you essentially 3 opportunities to secure your desired participation amounts.

The participation fee for Early pool has a fuel charge of 15% applicable only to your desired allocation amount.

KYC requirements: Any purchase above $1000, however, will require you to be KYC’d at least 25 hours before the opening of the pools.

Allocation Rollover Mechanism: Any allocations left over in the Early Pool will automatically be rolled over to the Open Pool

In order to stay eligible for Early Pool, it’s necessary to have the 75,000 $PAID tokens (plus 2% staking fee = 76500 $PAID) staked at least 25 hours before the Early Pool opens, and those tokens must remain staked until the Project fundraise has concluded.

There will be a 2% staking or unstaking fee in place for every staking or unstaking transaction.

For example: You have 1000 staked $PAID tokens. When you unstake, 20 $PAID tokens will be deducted. There is no unstaking period, which means the unstaked $PAID tokens will be immediately accessible after the unstaking transaction has completed.

There will be a 15% fuel charge in place for every fundraise contribution that is made through Early Pool. For example: you choose a contribution amount of $100. When you participate, $15 must be added to your total contribution.

Early Pool allocations that have not been funded within 24 hours will be carried over to Open Pool.

If you have tokens in multiple wallets, it is possible to combine these tokens to qualify for Early Pool. Participants can link as many of their wallets to their account as they want.

Please ensure that the participating wallet has enough balance to pay the 15% fuel charge in addition to your desired purchase amount to secure your allocation(s).

Please note that The KYC procedure is only mandatory when buying over $1000 worth of tokens. If you choose to opt out of KYC procedure, the contribution amount to Open Pool fundraises needs to be below $1000.

Let's imagine a practical example to help you understand the process:

Project A wants to raise a $1000'000

This is split between Early Pool and Open Pool, the split is configurable, for the sake of simplicity, let's say it's split 50-50 with both pools receiving $500k.

24 hours before Early Pool opens, a snapshot is taken: for simplicity, lets assume their are 100 wallets holding 75k SPAID.

The User allocation limit is = $500k / 100 = $5000 if KYC has been completed. If KYC has not been completed, you will only be able to purchase a maximum of $1000

You will have an allocation cap of $5000 per 75k SPAID in your wallet.

You will now have 24 hours to secure your $5000 allocation in the Early Pool.

Miss this window, and you will be able to compete FCFS against other early pool members in the Open Pool.

Miss this window and you'll be able to compete FCFS in the Open Pool with members of the wider public.

Let's say you bought $2000 in Early Pool, you will only be allowed to secure allocations in Open Pool to the value of $3000.

Last updated